Multi-Functional Fitness Equipment Squat Rack

Multi-Functional Fitness Equipment Squat Rack

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[600LBS maximum load-bearing] The main steel structure of 2 inches x 2 inches is sturdy and durable, the pipe thickness is 1.5cm, and the joints are thickened to ensure the overall stability of the product. It can safely withstand loads of up to 600 LBS for a long time.
【Squat seat and immersion bracket】Specially designed non-slip rubber boots, always maintain a squatting position to protect your floor from scratches. This barbell squat rack allows you to safely perform various exercises, including bench press, shoulder press, squat, squat, weightlifting, etc.
[Height adjustment] There are 13 height adjustments, marked with a serial number, allowing you to customize the observer's arm to a precise height, and perform operations such as squatting, flattening, tilting and falling bench press, curling, and shrugging.
[Counterweight plate storage] There are 8-inch long counterweight nails on both sides, which can conveniently store standard counterweight plates, providing a compact solution for your home gym, garage gym and gym. The specially designed metallic red is sure to refresh your spirits and add enthusiasm to your workouts.
[After-sales service] This product is an upgraded version of all specifications, which makes a major breakthrough for the comfort and stability of use. If you have any questions, please contact us in time.

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