Inflatable Yoga Ball Cover

Inflatable Yoga Ball Cover

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  • MULTI-USE: Can be used to cover ergonomic balls for gym, fitness, pilates, classroom, or office ball chairs. Our ball covers will surely add a glow to any interior design. Looks great as part of the furniture in a living room setting.
  • NON SLIP SUPPORT: Your yoga ball will promote good posture from back to core muscles perfectly with our cover on it for non-slip use. Our covers will work together with your yoga ball to prevent & relieve your back pain for both adults and children with ease & comfort.
  • PREMIUM MATERIAL: Made from extremely durable 300gsm polyester materials which helps any ball give easy seating & standing either from exercising or posture therapy. The anti-roll ring on the bottom of the yoga ball cover will prevent your yoga ball from rolling away.
  • EASY CARE: A great cover for your pregnancy birthing ball. After use from an active workout or as an office chair, you can simply remove the yoga ball cover from the ball and wash it in a washing machine using cold water.
  • SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: This stability ball cover will support any bodyweight and provide therapeutic flexibility. If for any reason you are not satisfied with this yoga ball cover, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yoga Ball Cover ONLY, Ball NOT included.

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