Adjustable hula-hoop

Adjustable hula-hoop

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THE BURN! – This fantastic workout tool offers you the resistance you need to get more out of your workouts, and is a great addition to most Yoga routines. Burn more calories, and get your body where you want it.
SMOOTH MOVE –Exercise hoops with massage bumps serve their purpose, but aren’t ideal for actually working out. We bring you a perfectly smooth design so you can focus on your fitness first, without the distraction!
A COMFORTABLE EXPERIENCE –While you target those abs, you’ll appreciate the quality in our construction and extra padded comfort you just will not find anywhere else. Better still, it’s easily assembled, and easy to use. What could be better than that?
STAND UP STRAIGHT –Working out with exercise hoop requires you to have great posture to do it effectively, so what better way to make sure YOUR posture is up to par? Forget boring core workouts, and enjoy a better way to exercise!
GUARANTEED –Best of all, we offer a full ONE YEAR GUARANTEE on every hoop we sell! We believe in quality, and we believe you should always get what you pay for, and if you ever feel like you did not, just let us know, and we promise we’ll make it right!

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