Weighted Skipping Rope For Fitness Exercise

Weighted Skipping Rope For Fitness Exercise

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For skipping rope with digital skipping rope, the HD LCD screen will display timer, weight, calories and circles. Simply set the weight, accurately count the time, burn calories, and jump to reach the fitness goal lap. It is a perfect substitute for calculating the laps by yourself, which is convenient for you Life.
There are rope and cordless skipping, there are two modes to choose from, skipping and cordless skipping, no need to worry about the rope tangling your feet, so that children can enjoy jumping anytime, anywhere, without space and time restrictions.
The length of the skipping rope can be adjusted to 280 cm, suitable for people under 190 cm. You can adjust it according to your own. It is very suitable for adults, children and the elderly to share with your family. It is also a good choice for exercise, fitness and exercise.
Equipped with two high-quality balls that can rotate 360 degrees to ensure fast and no knots, you never have to worry about twisting, entanglement or bending, thus bringing you a pleasant exercise experience
The comfortable high-grade material is smooth to the touch and provides you with a non-slip grip. It can still remain cool and comfortable after a long jump, helping you achieve your fitness goals and bringing you different feelings.

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