Durable And Soft Moisture-Proof Mat For Outdoor Camping

Durable And Soft Moisture-Proof Mat For Outdoor Camping

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  • Practical: The beach blanket, with the length of 210cm and the width of 200cm, can hold 4-6 people at the same time, which is very suitable for family and friends gathering. And its folded length of 21cm and the width of 10cm, and its weight is over 300g, which can be easily packed into a storage bag.
  • Wide Application: This beach blanket is suitable for all occasions, such as beach, grass and park. The gradient color is perfect for outdoor use.
  • Easy to Clean: The item can prevent cracked or damaged effectively. It's smooth and soft, and it is easy for machine washing. Besides, you can remove dirt and sand easily.
  • Waterproof: The 210D nylon material is waterproof, so the product can be used as a canopy, which is very convenient.

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