Aerial Yoga Flying Yoga Swing Yoga Hammock Trapeze Sling Inversion Tool for Gym Home Fitness

Aerial Yoga Flying Yoga Swing Yoga Hammock Trapeze Sling Inversion Tool for Gym Home Fitness

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Mounting accessories included. Not must be purchased separately.
HEALTH BENEFIT OF THE YOGA TRAPEZE: The aerial yoga helps to release the pain or pressure of neck, back and spine, enhance your hand strength by inversion therapy. The aerial silk is also a new innovative tool that gives the yoga enthusiasts a safe and fun way to keep fit and also the yoga sling is certainly a good way to take yoga to a higher fitness level.
LARGE LOAD CAPACITY: This Aerial Swing made of high strength and high quality parachute material fabric and polyester taffeta, the flying yoga hammock is heavy duty and durable, which its max load-bearing capacity is up to 450 lb (200 kg)
UNIQUE FEATURES: Large & comfortable thick padded foam handles and a spacious triple stitched swing seat pushing the boundaries of comfort during any aerial yoga swing exercise
MULTI EXERCISE TOLL: The aerial hammock can not only used as aerial yoga exercise, but can also as a common hammock, perfect for home, yoga studio and outdoor travel use
EASY ASSEMBLE: The yoga swing ceiling Hanging Yoga Sling mount matched with 2 different sets of screws, 4 expansion screws for concrete structure and 4 self-tapping screws for wooden. Either way, the mount can be installed in just minutes (Professional installation recommended).

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