PU Rubber Yoga Mat

PU Rubber Yoga Mat

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Larger Size Than Ordinary Mat- Standard size: It is wider than regular 24in width yoga mat, give you much more space to practice and support all body shapes and every gender for daily use.
Superior Non-Slip Texture – PU yoga mat is well-known with its great anti-slips features. The PU layer is breathable and water-absorbing and the rubber surface has great grip for basic power poses as well as complex balance poses. Once you place your mat on the floor, even in extra sweaty classes,it will not move until you roll it up to pack it away.
Eco-Friendly Natural Rubber Material-Made of 100% natural rubber material, a kind of non-toxic and odorless material does NOT contain non-green PVC and EVA which are used in traditional mat. This premium eco-friendly yoga mat ensures a secure & heathy usage for you. Serve you well as a professional exercise yoga mat.
Good Assistance with Alignment Lines and Adjustable CARRYING STRAP Included- The alignment lines are laser-printed and not inked onto the surface.With the simple alignment design, you do not need to worry its distracting when you do placement poses, it will help to keep your spine, arms and legs properly aligned when you do yogis.

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