Yoga Hemisphere

Yoga Hemisphere

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Great advantage: improved dynamic balance, physical awareness and coordination. Completely massage foot pain. By using the latest training methods, you can train your ankles and bows faster and more effectively.

  • Great advantage: improved dynamic balance, physical awareness and coordination. Completely massage foot pain. By using the latest training methods, you can train your ankles and bows faster and more effectively.
  • Suitable: Suitable for all feet, suitable for men, women and even children. You can use it barefoot, socks or shoes. As well as an ideal home gym and yoga school, it is also suitable for leisure training at home. We offer comprehensive stretching, strength and coordination training.
  • Domed textured surface and flat bottom: Pebble textured surface massage promotes increased blood flow and a smooth flat bottom is stable.
  • Design: Made of high quality PVC material, soft, flexible, comfortable and safe. Half-round design makes it more convenient to carry around.
  • Operation: The manual pump can be used for expansion or exhaust. Easy to carry, perfect for traveling.

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