Adult Water Ski Professional Sub Inflatable Board

Adult Water Ski Professional Sub Inflatable Board

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LOOKING FOR A VERSATILE, RESPONSIVE, ALL-AGE FRIENDLY SUP? As the name suggests, our products is everything you need to get out on the water with stability and precision; it’s the dream board for longer trips and touring.
WHAT MAKES THE PACE A STANDOUT BOARD? With a contrasting and vibrant blue and orange finish, this board will certainly turn heads. But it’s what’s underneath that counts: ultra tough drop stitch, thick surface laminate material allowing for high PSI inflation, traction pads for grip, triple fins for speed and a large detachable central fin for stability when paddleboarding.
SO WHAT EXACTLY IS IN THE KIT? At Aquaplanet, we include everything you need to start your SUP adventure straight away. Along with your board, you’ll receive an adjustable paddle, a safety leash to strap onto your ankle, a waterproof dry bag to keep your phone, camera, keys and money safe on the water, a sturdy backpack for easy transportation, a handy repair kit and, of course, a dual action air pump.
WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM US? OUR boards are built to stand the test of time, but we offer a one-year warranty for extra peace of mind. Our team of SUP experts are on standby to help - whether you need some advice on choosing the right board or for any queries that can’t be answered on our FAQ page.

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