Natural And Sustainable Anti-Odor Cork Yoga Mat

Natural And Sustainable Anti-Odor Cork Yoga Mat

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NON TOXIC MATS - Unlike other mats, yoga mats do not contain glues or any harmful chemicals. We do this by using only organic cork and natural rubber, which naturally eliminate bacteria and germs while repelling molds and mildew. Additionally, they are very easy to clean!
ECO-FRIENDLY & SUSTAINABLE - Production of these Eco-friendly yoga mats does not require cutting down cork/rubber trees. We use organic cork harvested by stripping down the bark of trees and 100% natural rubber. (No Recycled Rubber Tires Added like other brands.) Biodegradable and recyclable. No plastics used in production or packaging
NON SLIP SURFACES - The natural cork and natural rubber padding offers you a smooth yet non-slip surface. Due to the variable nature of the cork material, slight dampening may be required. This natural rubber-bottomed mat lays flat without sliding around during your hot yoga sessions. No need for a towel when you use our mats.
DURABLE AND PORTABLE- Natural cork yoga mats can be conveniently transported to a yoga fitness center using the FREE yoga mat strap included! Now you have no excuses not to practice yoga at home, the beach or on the go!

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