Cork Rubber Yoga Mat

Cork Rubber Yoga Mat

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  • ✔️HIGHEST QUALITY NATURAL CORK:Made to last with eco-friendly, highly functional all natural organic cork and natural rubber. our yoga mat is free of 6P(DEHP,BBP,DBP,DNOP,DIDP,DINP),could be 100% recycle and reduce pollution.
  • ✔️BODY ALIGNMENT:These body lines can help you corrective posture and exercise yoga better, especially for novices.suitable for hot yoga, pilates, bikram, sweaty practice, floor exercises, stretching and meditation.
  • ✔️EXTRA SIZE:72’’x 24’’inch-it is bigger than other yoga mat on the market.the 4 mm thickness,it will provide enough cushioning for your workouts,could protect our elbow,knee,ankle and more.
  • ✔️MOST POWERFUL NON-SLIP:Throw away the ugly yoga towels,our yoga mat surface can absorb water and sweat,in addition to superior anti-slip performance, it also has superior grip,sprinkle a little water on the yoga mat during dryness, which will make the grip stronger.
  • ✔️SERVICE:If you have any problems during use or there’s anything we can help with, don’t hesitate to tell us, we will try our best to help you out.

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