High-Capacity Aluminum Spool Fishing Reel

High-Capacity Aluminum Spool Fishing Reel

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A BOLD NEW CHALLENGER – With a name inspired by, the reel is ready to put you in charge of any fishing battle! The new spinning reel is full of knightly rugged features and is built to last. The spin fishing reel has a strong, lightweight, and exceptionally rigid frame that’s ready to stand up to the test against powerful fish in all freshwater conditions. And, it will not cost you a princely sum!
PROVEN COMPONENTS – The fishing reels lead the charge and deliver consistent winning performance. The spinning reels feature a stainless steel main shaft, brass pinion and zinc alloy drive gear for noble action in all freshwater conditions. All four sizes in the series feature a high-capacity CNC aluminum spool and a reversible left- or right-handed retrieve aluminum handle for strength.
POWERFUL AND RELIABLE DRAG – The spinning reels outperform fishing reels costing twice the price. Each reel features a powerful smooth drag system that delivers up to 17.5 lbs. of amazing run-stopping drag power, so that you can handle anything including crappie, bass fishing, trout fishing, walleye fishing or catfishing.
ULTRA-SMOOTH PERFORMANCE – Experience the smooth casting and effortless retrieve . The spinning reels use 5 ball bearings, plus an instant anti-reverse bearing for rock-solid hooksets, for a total of 5+1 BBs.
RELIABILITY YOU CAN TRUST - Take spinning reel on your next fishing adventure and feel the power. Like an intrepid knight, spinning reels have the attitude, valor and courage to get the job done.

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