Low-Profile Lightweight Powerful And Durable Fishing Reel

Low-Profile Lightweight Powerful And Durable Fishing Reel

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High performance – the externally adjustable magnetic braking system is easy to adjust and provides maximum casting distance while avoiding backlashes. the braid ready machined aluminum spool eliminates line slips during the retrieve.
smooth casting and retrieve – The reel features 9 high-quality stainless-steel ball bearings and 1 instant anti-reverse bearing to deliver maximum smoothness during retrieval.
Comfortable design – the reel is compact enabling you to easily palm the reel to maximize comfort while fishing. anti-slip rubber handle knobs are designed to repel water. this reel is available in both left and right-hand retrieve.
Strong drag – the reel comes with a carbon fiber drag system that is both smooth and powerful. a max drag of 20lbs will help you control those larger fish when they decide to run.
Satisfaction liability period – all products come with a 1-year liability period and a 30-day risk-free trial to give you peace of mind! your complete satisfaction is our priority. our experienced team will answer any questions .
Included components: magnetic braking system,braid ready machined aluminum spool,9 high-quality stainless-steel ball bearings,Anti-slip rubber handle knobs ,carbon fiber drag system

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