Jump Rope

Jump Rope

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【THIS IS THE MIRACULOUS JUMP ROPE】- This jump rope come with high-quality fabrics, exquisite workmanship, simple and fashionable design, as well as fresh color choices which will make you happy and enjoyable when rope skipping. It is twice as effective as ordinary skipping rope for the advantages including no shaking, no rope winding, and adjustable speed. It is firmer than skipping rope with roller, softer than steel wire rope, and more durable than hemp rope.
【EVERY FAMILY MEMBER CAN USE IT】 Designed with length of 9.9 feet, a diameter of 0.35 inches and a weight of 0.28 pounds. It can be easily adjusted according to different heights. It is heavier than ordinary skipping rope, and the heavy objects in the handle can be installed according to different exercise needs, suitable for beginners, men, women, children, professional athletes, and fitness experts. With this jump rope, you can exercise anywhere.
【BEST HANDLE MATERIAL】 The ergonomically designed handle which wrapped in thick silicone can make you feel soft and comfortable. It is designed with wave texture, wear-resistant and non-slip, so you will not be tired after a long grip. The handle of the sponge is easy to break, will stink when sweating a lot. The steel handle is non-slip and difficult to hold. Hurry up to add it to the shopping cart. Exercise 5 minutes everyday can make you a good body shape.
【PERFECT FOR SPORTS FITNESS】 Our exercise weighted skipping rope can train your stamina and speed, while improving the muscle intensity of your whole body, and building muscle definition and burning fat. This weighted jump rope is Great for Fitness Workouts, Cross fit, training, Jumping Exercise, Skipping, MMA, Boxing, Gym, Speed training, Calves, thigh and forearm strengthening, leg training and endurance training.
【YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR PLEASURE】 RISK-FREE PURCHASE with 100% satisfaction guarantee. We have long term quality warranty - 24-Month Warranty. Should you have any questions regarding our products or service, please do not hesitate to contact us via email, and we will do our best to help you.

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