Set of 5 Latex Resistance Band Loop in Nylon Bag

Set of 5 Latex Resistance Band Loop in Nylon Bag

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  • 5 Resistance Levels : Comes in 5 different resistance strength levels. No matter you are a beginner or advanced exerciser, you could pick up the most suitable one for your exercise.
  • Natural Latex : Made from natural friendly latex. Natural latex provides the highest level of durability that is elastic, durable, and will stay flat even after repeated usage, which allows you to do various exercises and moves easily.
  • Wide Application : These resistance bands are not only used to exercise all parts of muscles such as arms, chest, abdomen, glutes and legs, but also good for physical therapy, recovery to help some people with mobility problems to stretch their muscles, improve flexibility.
  • A Gym in Your Pocket : Lightweight bands with a storage bag, you can easily put them in your suitcase or pocket and carry them to anywhere. Keep fit and sculpt a better body in everywhere at any time.

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