Silicone Resistance Bands Set

Silicone Resistance Bands Set

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  • DURABLE SILICONE MATERIAL : Afraid of buying resistance bands with bad materials? TOPKO workout bands use high elasticity silicone material, more durable than TPE or latex. Skin-friendly and Eco-friendly. The resistance loop bands are tough and long-lasting, can be stretched repeatedly!
  • REFUSE TO ROLL : Always buying exercise bands that roll easily? Don't waste your money! Our exercise bands are non-slip and thickened, will not roll up when using them and stay put during the exercise. It can make your fitness more efficiency! They have 5 different tensions, clearly marked on each band, easy to use.
  • PORTABLE& EFFECTIVE : Little time for fitness? No problem! The Resistance Bands are surprisingly simple and effective. Spend 15-30 minutes a day and you'll get amazing results! Bands are easy to carry, can put in your pocket! you can workout everywhere and anytime you want!
  • FULL BODY EXERCISE : Want to workout with different way? Resistance bands are suitable for Yoga, Pilates, Strength Training, cardio workouts. They not only help you get in amazing squat work outs but also leg lifts and stretching. Using the bands, can improve your muscle strength, physical activity and flexibility.

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