Multifunctional Tension Tub For Strength Training

Multifunctional Tension Tub For Strength Training

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  • 【SAFE & DURABLE】 - Made of 100% natural latex, with reinforced link, comfortable padded handles, and big metal carabiner, provide longer durability and maximum resistance. These resistance bands are rigorously tested to be snap, stretch and sweat resistant, and can withstand intense daily exercise sessions
  • 【MULTIFUNCTION】- Different muscle groups will require different levels of resistance. Can apply to a variety of ways of stretching exercises, fitness anytime, anywhere, full body training is more efficient, training chest and thigh, deltoid muscles. Exercise calves, thighs, arms, shoulders and back. Long-term use can beautify the body curve and strengthen muscle lines. At the same time can exercise abdominal muscles
  • 【YOUR PERSONAL GYM】 - This resistance band workout is for great for beginners, intermediate and advanced exercisers and includes a variety of moves for the entire body using a resistance band. You can do all kinds of training right at home, including strength building, muscle toning, physical therapy, yoga, stretching, and etc. And comes with convenient carry bag , you can also take your bands to gym, office, and even workout on vacation

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