Portable Pilates Bar,Yoga Pilates Stick, Muscle Toning Bar Home Gym Pilates Yoga Exercise Bar

Portable Pilates Bar,Yoga Pilates Stick, Muscle Toning Bar Home Gym Pilates Yoga Exercise Bar

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PORTABLE PILATES BAR ? Our portable pilates bar is the perfect tool for reformer-style movements without heavy equipment. Steel, designed for long-lasting, easy storage, the resistance band is made of high-quality latex, eco-friendly, no smell and it has strong durability and excellent resilience, not easily deformed.
FULL BODY EXERCISE ? The pilates resistance band can be used to perform many different types of exercise (upper and lower body), build muscle, lose weight and shape your arms, abs, legs and glutes while also getting cardio in.
MULTIPLE USE FOR YOU ? Our portable pilates bar is often used for Yoga, Pilates, stretching exercises, fitness, and other training programs. Get a full body workout similar to a pilates mat or reformer workout; great for resistance band exercises, yoga, stretching. It is also perfect for women to keep their bodies in shape after giving birth.
EASY TO CARRY ? Our portable pilates bar includes 1 x resistance bar, 30 inch adjustable resistance cables that can easy to storage and carry for you. You can use it at home, gym, park or your office. And you can also take it with you when traveling.
ENJOY YOUR WORKOUT ? Our portable pilates bar features lightweight, easy set-up, effective, sweat resistance design, which makes your workout experience relaxing and enjoyable and total body workout!

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