High-Speed Fishing Reel Ultra-Smooth Rotating Spool

High-Speed Fishing Reel Ultra-Smooth Rotating Spool

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Elite Concept- Designed for Competition; Engineered for the Win! The fishing reel deliver Pro level baitcasting reels to anglers for tournament performance.The reels were developed as the first in a series of tournament ready performance reels for bass fishing. The word "Elite" on a fishing reel tells you they'll withstand thousands of casts a day and extreme conditions.
Perfect Compact Design - The baitcast reel is our smallest frame casting reel to date. It fits perfectly and comfortably in the palm of your hand. It is a compact, palm sized baitcaster that is ergonomically designed for comfort with a smooth side plate and no annoying levers.
Color-Coded Gear Ratios - The baitcasting reels are pro fishing tournament ready reels with an amazing special feature. Each gear ratio reel has its own unique color! Now you can quickly grab a specific gear ratio reel including 5.3:1, 6.6:1, 7.3:1 or 8.1:1 by its color from the deck of your boat or rod locker for a specific fishing technique.
Ultra-smooth & Reliable -It used 11 double-shielded, stainless-steel bearings throughout the reel and one instant anti-reverse. The special heat treatment on the aluminum main gear provides extreme durability while maintaining its light weight. The low profile have a stainless-steel kick lever and main shaft as found on much more expensive reels. It gives you the confidence that your thumb bar won't fail even after tens of thousands of casts.
Tournament Proven Components -The features durable brass pinion gear and worm drive for strength and consistent performance for fresh or saltwater fishing. The ultra-smooth and powerful carbon disc drag delivers up to 17.6 lbs of fish stopping power. The magnetic casting control system features 5 magnets with 10 adjustment settings, so you can easily control backlash and overruns when using a variety of baits in all fishing conditions. Available right and left handed.

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