Digital Printing PU Rubber Yoga mat

Digital Printing PU Rubber Yoga mat

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ULTRA SLIP RESISTANCE: Ideal for any hot (or just plain sweaty) yoga practice. Tri-layered construction maximizes grip in sweaty and dry conditions. Innovative leather-like top layer a no-slip grip no matter how much you sweat.
SUPERIOR QUALITY: Responsive ride provides luxuriously dense and smooth support with the right amount of rebound at all points of contact. Perfect for several types of yoga including Bikram, Vinyasa, or Ashtanga.
ODOR-ABSORBANT: Charcoal-infused natural rubber core absorbs sweat to eliminate odors. The surface of the Mat is moisture-wicking, even at at highest temperatures.
DITCH THE TOWEL: 100% open airflow technology that filters moisture immediately, even for max sweat levels. The Mat offers the ultimate towel-less experience.
ZERO WASTE: Natural yoga mat made from sustainably harvested tree rubber. Unlike other rubber mats available, there are no toxic chemicals used in manufacturing process to soften rubber.

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