Yoga Blocks 2 Pack Plus Strap Cork Yoga Block Yoga Brick, Eco-Friendly Cork Yoga Block to Support, Lightweight

Yoga Blocks 2 Pack Plus Strap Cork Yoga Block Yoga Brick, Eco-Friendly Cork Yoga Block to Support, Lightweight

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Quality: Made of eco-friendly EVA 3-layer composite material, glue free, odor free, non-cracking, lightweight, portable, providing the very proper hardness to sufficiently support with satisfying comfort.
Ergonomic Design: Measuring 9"x6"x4", golden ratio. Beveled edges provide a steady and comfortable grip
Functionality: Use under your hands, feet or seat (meditation) to ensure the proper alignment needed in order to safely support and modify poses to suit your level of flexibility- If you feel tight, don't risk injury and grab a block or two!
Safe Guard: Based on different poses, yoga blocks can help to protect head and neck. Adjust and standardize postures. Assist in keeping balance and stability of the waist. Effectively avoid muscle strain.

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